Deuljhari Software Program (2010-2012) :-

Viswa Yuva Kendra is the local non-government organization implementing   software program in Deuljhari and Project started in May 2011 with formal agreement with the district administration, Angul on dated 13.05.2010.

Project Area

Deuljari Temple and its surrounding villages. The project is now concentrated in 14 villages of Purunamanitri gram panchayats of Athmallik block in the district of Angul.

Deuljhari is situated in the bank of the river Mahanadi and closed to Athmallik block headquarters that is 85 kilo metres from the district headquarters Angul. It is connecting national high way 55 at Boinda. Deuljhari is 230 kilo metres from the state capital Bhubaneswar towards west.

Project Period

The project work is started in May 2010 for a period of 2 years. The initial work has been started by VYK in the year 2009.

Reporting Period

May 2010 to March 2011.


  • To develop capacity of service providers related to rural tourism.
  • To make the local community aware about the importance of the place and rural tourism.
  • To promote livelihood of the people involve in and around Deuljhari related to tourism.
  • To popularize Deuljhari and local tourism places around Athmallik
  • To make a strategy to attract visitors for Deuljhari

Planned Activities

The following activities have been planned for the period May 2010 to April 2012 for a period of two years. They are :

  • Orientation of stake holders ( 2 days)
  • Survey and data base preparation
  • Sensitization of eco tourism (3 days)
  • Awareness campaign in the villages
  • Community mobilization and formation of groups
  • Private partnership  for economic development ( 2 times for 1 day each)
  • IGA workshop ( 2 days)
  • Exposure visit to other places
  • Group dynamics and team work process (as per need)
  • Leadership and group management ( 2 days)
  • Project operation and maintenance workshop (2 days)
  • Functional distribution, coordination and MIS ( 2 days)
  • Post project operation workshop (2 days)
  • Sustainable tourism workshop ( 2 days)
  • Management training ( 2 days) on tourist, hospitality, conflict resolution
  • Technical training ( 2 days)
  • Group management workshop( 4 days)
  • Orientation on gender equity, right and responsibility ( 2 days)
  • Guide training for 10 young people
  • Livelihood promotion
  • Sanitation in and around Deuljhari
  • Yoga  and traditional health care
  • Training for rituals, festivals, occasions.
  • Hot water bathing
  • Development of website on deuljhari
  • Marketing support (brochure, display board, hoarding etc.)
  • Linkages with government, banks and other institutions
  • Vocational training (as per the need)
  • Training of priests
  • Sports events
  • Meeting (Both formal and informal)

Supporting Agency

  • Ministry of Tourism, Government of India
  • Department of Tourism and Culture (Tourism), Government of Odisha
  • District Administration/ District Tourist Officer, Angul

Activities Undertaken

  1. Baseline survey
  2. Inauguration
  3. Awareness Campaign
  4. Community mobilization
  5. Formation of Deuljhari Advisory committee
  6. Orientation of stake holders
  7. Training on group management and leadership
  8. Group dynamic and Team work practice
  9. Training on gender equality, right, and responsibility
  10. Sharing meeting of Deuljhari Software Program.
  11. Workshop on identification of IGA and marketing strategy
  12. Display board
  13. Printing of Brochure and Website development
  14. Review meeting at District level
  15. Handicraft exhibition
  16. Monthly review meeting

1. Baseline survey of the site local community: We have conducted a base line survey in 14 villages of Purunamantiri G.P. surrounded by Deuljhari. It was given importance on demography, livelihood, resources available, infrastructure availability, existing services available, craft and people associated with indigenous activities, marketing feasibility of existing products, government schemes and programs, status of community based organizations etc. A report has been published on the study.

2.Inauguration: The program was inaugurated officially on 24 May 2010 in the presence of local villagers, government officials, panchayati raj institution members etc. Shri Debaraj Senapati, ADM, Angul inaugurated the program on this occasion. Mr. Umakanta Tripathy, Sub- collector, Athmallik, Mr. Babulal Behera, ABDO, Athmallik, Mr. Sarbeswar Mallik, ADIPRO, Athmallik and Mr. Manoranjan Das, Tourist Officer, Angul were attended program.

3.Awareness Building: Village level sensitization meetings, awareness campaigns, meetings with club members, meetings with self help groups have been a regular process of educating community on Deuljhari Software Program. We have covered all the stake holders of all villages and discuss about the project components and their involvement in the process.

4.Community mobilization for formation of new groups and strengthening existing group: We have identified 37 existing women self help groups and reformed 2 groups in all the 14 villages. Some of them are actively involved in women empowerment process where are most of them are involved with savings and credits activities. A few groups are involved in traditional income generation activities like rice business, leaf stitching etc. Initiatives have been taken by the organization to link with them with IGA with the support of bank, government and other financial institutions.

5.Formation of advisory committee: An advisory committee has been formed with the involvement of local government officials, sevayats, and local peoples’ representatives and INTACT   to take care of the assets developed under hard ware component in Deuljhari. Under the chairmanship of Sub-Collector, Athamallik a meeting was held on 17 June 2010 to form the advisory committee and the local revenue inspector was given the responsibility to manage the infrastructure and see the temple affairs. A guideline has been framed for this purpose.

6.Orientation of stake holders: A two days orientation training program of all the stake holders of the project was organized during 24-25 May 2010 at Deuljhari. The main purpose was to orient the local people on deuljhari rural tourism, government assistance and promotion of the place, hard ware and soft ware component of the program, people’s involvement, discuss on various software component of the program, future plan of action and obtain feedback from the people for proper implementation etc. About 100 local leaders, PRI members, youth club members, SHG members, advisory committee member of deuljhari, sebayats and local intellectuals were participated. The program was also attended by the ADM, Angul, DTO, Angul, Sub Collector, Athmallik, Director and members of VYK etc. as resource persons.

7.Training on group management and leadership A two days training on group management and leadership was organized on 3-4 July 2010 at Deuljhari. The main objective is to develop the leadership quality of the local leader and provide the way to manage the community based organizations. Mr. Manoranjan Das, Tourist Officer, Angul, Mr. Manoj K., Mohapatra, Director, Mr. Govinda Sankhari, Project Coordinator and Mr. Avoy Charan Swain, Development Officer of VYK were the resource persons of the training. 34 local women leaders, PRI members and youth club members were participated in the program.

8.Group dynamic and Team work Practices:VYK has promoted its staff member and exposed to rural tourism. The staff members have undergone trainings at different places organized by Ministry of Tourism, Government of India and attended various meetings organized by the Department of Tourism, Government of Odisha.

Sl. No. Date Place Purpose Attended by
1 08/02/10 Bhubaneswar (DoT) Project review meeting Mr. Basant Kumar Pradhan, President, VYK and Mr. Govinda Sankhari, P.C.
2 18/02/11 -do- -do- Mr. Govinda Sankhari, Project Coordinator

The staff and members of VYK have attended the training programs like (1) Institution building of rural tourism and sustainable livelihood at IRMA, Gujrat (2) Marketing strategy at Tiruvantapuram and Bhopal (3) Management Information System at Guwahati during the year 2008-09.

9.Training on gender equality, right and responsibility: A training program on gender equality, rights and responsibility was organized at VYK training hall on dates 12-14 January, 2011. SHG leaders, Youth club members and PRI members of the project villages ware participated in the training. Sj. Narayan Dash, Secretary, Gandhi Peace Foundation, Rourkela was attended as resource person. Among others Smt. Latika Devgoswami, Program Officer, District Social Welfare Office, Angul, Mr. Manoj K. Mohapatra, Director, VYK were the resource persons for the program. The training emphasized on women education, women rights, roles and responsibilities, gender equity, domestic violence and Gandhian concept of promoting integration in the community and gender harmony.

10.Sharing meeting: A one day sharing meeting on Deuljhari Software Program was organized on date 8th November, 2010 at Athmallik. The opinion leader, educationalist, Govt. officials’ and political leaders, eminent personalities of Athmallik were attended the meeting. The main objective was to share about the progress of deuljhari soft ware program and obtain feedback and involve them in the process of sustainability of the program. The house suggested carrying out the following:

  • Preparation of a brochure describing  about Deuljhari and local tourist places
  • Development of website
  • Prepare hoardings and display in the important place of the sub-division
  • Organize meetings among the people on regular intervals to give more insight n the project.

11.Workshop on identification of IGA and marketing strategy: A two days workshop on “identification of income generation trades, marketing strategy and beneficiaries” was organized at DWCRA Bhawan, Athmallikduring 27-28 February 2011. 38 participants’ rural craftspersons and people involved in various trades were participated in the program.

We identified and discussed about the issues related to the production and marketing of products like (a) Bamkei Sharees, (b) Appliqué (c) Bamboo works, (d) Terracotta, (e) Garment production (Blouse, Shaaya, Handkerchief, and Money purse), (f) Bell metal, (g) Flower broom etc. We also discussed about the possible avenues for promotion of products like availability of financial assistance, storage and marketing of products, sales promotion etc. A detail is in annexure-1.

The training was attended by Mr. Natabara Nail, District Tourist Officer, Angul, Mr. Dillip kumar Sahoo, BDO, Athmallik and Mr. Manoj K. Mohapatra, Director, VYK.

12.Display Board: A display board has been placed at Deuljhari to disseminate information about the project and the grant- in-aid received by the implementing organization for soft ware program.

13.Handicraft exhibition: Mahashibaratry is a most important annual festival of Baba Sidheswar at Deuljhari. Thousands of people gathered every year on this occasion. This year more than 20 thousand people were assembled to observe the day. An exhibition-cum-sale centre was organized on this occasion on 2/3/11 to display the product prepared by the craft persons of the area. Products like flower broom, wooden and bamboo crafts, garments (bamkei saree), appliqués, bell-metals (Dhokra casting) were exhibited and sold in the program. It is planned to organize more exhibition stall at various places on different occasions.

14.Printing of Brochure and Website development: A website has been developed ( that shows about Deuljhari and other tourist place around it, the soft ware program, program taken up for popularizing the place etc. A brochure has also be prepared that focuses about the importance of the place and facilities available in and around Deuljhari. The brochure is proposed to be displayed in the hotels, tourist places for information about the tourists.

15.Review meeting at District level: The district level meetings under the chairmanship of the Collector, Angul have been organized to review the hard ware and soft ware components of the project. We have attended the meetings as per the following.

Sl. No. Date Place Purpose Attended by
1 11/08/10 Collectorate (Angul) Project review meeting Mr. Govinda Sankhari, Project Coordinator
2 20/11/10 -do- -do- -do-

16.Monthly review meeting: Monthly planning and review meeting at the organization level are also been held every month to review the progress of work and plan for the next month.


  • The soft ware project is new to this organization that focuses the livelihood promotion of the local people associated with rural tourism. Though the organization has experience in implementing livelihood program but tourism related livelihood project is new for the organization.
  • The sebayats (about 100 priests are working in the temple) have a belief that, once the government intervention is there in the temple, that will be no more in the hands of the sevayats. Hence they strongly protect any intervention in the temple premises. In spite of our serious effort we could not mobilize them for the promotion of soft ware program in Deuljhari. We have to make a new strategy in future course of action.
  • There is a possibility of promotion of crafts available in the local areas. People need to develop their skill and marketing promotion strategy.
  • There is a need of establishing relationship between advisory committee formed by the district administration and local sebayat committee. Unless there is a good understanding among them there is less possibility of developing a rural tourist place at Deuljhari.
  • Infrastructure development made under hard ware component is not enough. There is a huge need like; drinking water supply, temple premises development, link road, renovation of existing pond, compound wall/ green fencing, market complex, plantation and garden, land development etc. There is also a need of taking care of jasmine trees and springs.
  • There is also a need of involvement of local administration in the functions and festival of the temple. It will develop relationship among local people and help in easy implementation of the program.
  • The implementing organization needs adequate skill training and exposure of its staffs related to rural tourism by the tourism department that will help better implementing the program.
  • There is also a need of promoting environmental sanitation in the temple campus. Bi-monthly meeting among local administration, sebayats, advisory committee, PRIs, local leaders and NGOs will help to access the same.
  • The infrastructure developed under hard ware component needs to be taken care by the advisory committee. Use of building by the tourists and visitors and its maintenance by the committee needs to be promoted.


Name of the Trade Issue / Problem Requirement Scope/ Opportunities
Bamboo craft Rugudi Sahi, Athmallik
(8 Families)
  • Lack of interest of artisans because of no marketing facilities.
  • Lack of up to date skill.
  • Up gradation of skill.
  • In time financial support for production and marketing.
  • Create avenue for marketing of finished products. Linkages with other agencies.
  •  Financial support as loan from VYK, Bank and Mahanadi Co-operative society.
  • Exhibition for marketing of products.
  • Local villages/ market places.
  • Form and strengthen a group/network among the craftsmen.
Appliqué and garment stitching  (Handbag, Blouse and shaya)
Malipadar :8
Ba ndhupali:2
  •  Absence of facilitating agencies for marketing.
  • Skill Up gradation.
  • Financial assistance for trade
  • Marketing linkage
  • Facilitating agency
  • Marketing facilities in the market places like Athmallik, Boinda and Madhapur, Rairakhol , Boudh and weekly markets.
  • Exhibitions
Cloth Production (Saree, lungi, towels etc.)
  • Marketing.
  • Local society is not properly functioning.
  • Revival of society
  • Door step services like supply of thread, colour  etc.
  • Marketing of finished products
  • Adequate fund for production unit
  • Existing skill of the weavers (No training required)
  • Market place around the production centre.
Bel metal
Jirad (2 families).
  • No Promoting agency
  • Non availability of raw materials adequately
  • Skill Up gradation.
  • Marketing
  • Funding support
  • Local trained people are available for skill up- gradation
  • Funding also available locally for small loan
  • Exhibition and market feasibility
Wooden craft
Nuabhuin (2 families)
  • No Promoting agency
  • No Funding support
  • Exhibition and marketing promotion for popularization of craft
  • Funding support
  • Trained people are available local and there is no requirement of skill up-gradation.
  • Marketing opportunity available
Grass broom
( 10 families)
  • Non availability of raw materials (grass) all over the year. (Available only for two months). So other products like-palm leaf mate should be promoted.
  • Skill up-gradation
  • Palm (Khajuri) mat making may be the  alternative.
  • Marketing opportunity available in the local areas.
Odasinga  and
Athmallik Telisahi.
  • No Promoting agency
  • No Funding support
  • Skill up-gradation
  • Marketing promotion
  • Funding support to artisans
  • Marketing opportunity during festivals available in the local areas.
  • Financial support can be available from the local SHGs/ Cooperatives/ NGOs.